I think humor is starting to go backwards, being "funny" is a joke on its own. Something one person does is labeled as cringe if one stuck up person labels it that way. I think this entire funny vs unfunny is a complete mindfuck and a circle jerk and anything original is
entirely perspective based. This culture we have now of memes is over saturating the "market" we have now of what is considered funny and what isn't. That's why the recent influx of memes that are pure irony are starting to arise. It's almost as if we have gone full
circle in what is funny. The internet 10-15 years ago was filled with top text bottom text images and such, just as we are seeing now, however now it's all irony. This copy and paste culture is awful, and it really suppresses what humans are capable of. TikTok is a great example
of this. Using other people audios uses little to no creativity, and when millions and millions of videos are made using the same song, it becomes a "virus". Going viral has been a thing for years, but in the past it has been a bigger sort of deal, getting on newspapers, etc,
However now, since nothing is original, and since it is so hard to find a creator of something original, that "virus" isn't necessarily as good of a thing as it used to be. Rather than someone having credit for something they created, it is copied and pasted hundreds of times
until the original creator is completely out of the situation. Back to where I began this thread with, originality and creativity are the foundation of society, and current copy and paste cultures are limiting our potential to grow. It is not just limited to jokes or humor,
it goes even beyond that. The internet provides endless amount of information, but since all of it is so accessible, you don't need any brain power to get to an answer, you don't need any thought at all to create something: when all it takes is a search on google.
this was long, sorry for spamming timelines, but it's been on my mind and I had to dump everything. If there are any spelling or grammar errors I could care less, my thimbs hurt.
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