In 2011, the officer who killed George Floyd also killed an Alaska Native man. Leroy Martinez, he was 23 years old and had his hands up. He had his hands up.
I’m so sick. So fucking sick rn. What we’re not going to do is co opt the BLM movement and disregard the violence that black peoples face from the police. But we need to acknowledge this as well.
In 2008 Ira Latrell Toles, a Native American man, was shot by the same police officer who killed George Floyd and Leroy Martinez. I will not name the police officer. He doesn’t deserve to be humanized he doesn’t deserve to be named.
Fuck the police. Fuck 12. We need to remember their names. Leroy Martinez, Ira Latrell Toles, and George Floyd.
my heart hurts I can’t stop crying. Please please take care of yourselves and I’m sending so much love to my black and native mutuals.
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