3. Number of books read is a vanity metric.

Don't read books for completion, read for finding ideas, or to fulfill intellectual curiosity

It's better to re read 100 best books to fully absorb their ideas than reading many books for completion

#naval #joerogan
...Today, we get too much information very quickly which reduces our attention span

This can be a positive because you take one idea and flip through multiple books/threads/apps to dig deep into that idea very quickly

There is no need to "finish" books.

#naval #joerogan
4. On social media and fame:

- SM make people look at themselves how other people look at them

- It creates an weighty self-image made out of other's compliments which makes one an easy target for insults

#naval #joerogan https://twitter.com/naval/status/1041513555961438208?s=20
5. Most people want 3 things: To be rich, happy, and fit. All three of these can be taught and learned

6. You don't want to be a successful person who is constantly stressed. You want to be the coolest person in a crisis who also comes up with the right answers

#naval #joerogan
7. Just like fitness, nutrition, working hard and making money, happiness can also be a choice

"If you're so smart, why you can't be happy"

- Pursue an overwhelming desire and leave the insignificant ones so you're mind can stay calm
8. In today's age of infinite leverage, a calm, peaceful mind can make better judgements and get better results.

"If you want to operate at peak performance, you need to learn how to tame your mind"

#naval #joerogan
9. Outputs in today's knowledge economy are non-linear: The quality of your work is way more important than how hard you work

#naval #joerogan
10. You're not going to get rich by renting out your time, no matter how much you earn: Your lifestyle will soon catch up to your salary

First thing you have to do to get rich is to own a piece of business

#naval #joerogan
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