Social media fogs up the conversation on justice. Out of the woodworks arise platforms for both opposers & opportunists. Be mindful. Read. Reflect. Pray. Read more. Work in your home/family first. Work with your local church and community.

There are excellent & prophetic voices, both men and women, of various ethnicities, within Christ’s Body who are doing the work, when no videos are viral. When no hashtags are trending. Listen to these men and women. (2/6)
They will lead you to biblical and Kingdom sized responses. Listen to them. They are the ones who labor when no videos go viral. They are the ones who provide solutions, not just rhetoric. (3/6)
Just as it must be qualified that not all “white voices” are toxic; in times like this, not all “voices of color” are helpful.

Ethnicity doesn't equal = being an expert, just or right all the time. (4/6)
Saints, ours is the “Long Game”, not flash in the pan buzzes.

We must work together, as Kingdom Agents, who invest themselves holistically in the lives of others. We must redeem the witness of Christ’s Church in America. Many who are doing this are not on Social Media. (5/6)
These are not sub-tweets, just observable #Facts. (6/6)
You can follow @da_horton.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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