the amount of moots who are leaving t1975 stan twitter bc of the way people have been acting today and bc this fanbase is toxic and it’s saddening that it’s come to death threats and abusive messages for having opinions. i’ve tried to stay away from stan twitter and focus (1/?)
on the main issue but my tl is flooded w it (obviously because i’m on stan twitter lol) and i don’t blame them. i haven’t had any threats/absuive messages thank god but even just seeing tweets/comments about it is so anxiety inducing and mentally harmful for people to act (2/3)
this way. i know i need to take some time off from twitter for at least the next day possibly more but i’ll be back for the #blackout for definite. please be more kind to eachother and if you need a break, take it. you deserve good mental health <3 (3/3)
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