Seeing some folks say that "ReOpening" will allow us to go back to normal, but I'm not understanding why that's anyone's goal. The "normal" we had before this was a woefully unprepared one rife w/ inequities that have all made this pandemic & crisis worse than it needed to be.
Saying we wanna go back to "normal" is straight up saying we want to go back to a situation where we were not prepared to deal with this crisis. We need to create a new normal where such threats (pandemics, environmental, economic, etc) can be handled w/o killing marginalized ppl
Some folks are saying that if we don't "ReOpen" then vulnerable workers won't be able to feed their families.

They already weren't able to do that & it had nothing to do w/ #COVID19.

The pandemic isn't the issue, it didn't create these problems, it exposed them.
If you really want to "ReOpen" so we can get back to "normal" then you need to do a few basic things:
1) mandate hazard pay for all essential workers
2) tie UI & other relief programs to economic conditions so families & small biz are supported throughout

3) implement a fair tax code so we don't need to beg, borrow, and steal for critical resources needed to support our communities
4) prioritize those who are being hurt the most by this crisis - ppl of color & marginalized folks - so we close gaps in equity & reduce discrimination
5) prioritize the creation & implementation of a testing & tracing regiment so we can prevent future outbreaks.

This moment calls for very specific responses to reduce pain & suffering. If you really wanna get back to "normal" you'll heed the call. Otherwise, it's posturing.
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