A thread on how the Trump administration helped enable the death of George Floyd and countless others because I am so tired of people defending this administration and supporting it because it's "good for the economy"-
1- Trump's administration has repeatedly supported the use of racist stop-and-frisk policies as well as racial profiling among police. In 2016 when he was asked about in a CBS interview, Trump claimed racial profiling is "not the worst thing to do."
2- When comparing the number of hate crimes reported to the FBI under the Obama administration in 2015 to the number reported in 2018, hate crimes rose by 121% from 5,850 to 7,120.
3- Trump has encouraged further militarization of the police and doesn't believe that the federal government should require police departments to report data on use of force, stating crime report management is the job of local and state law enforcement.
4- Under Trump's administration, the DOJ Civil Rights Division is expected to experience budget cuts as large as $1.3 billion. The DOJ houses many programs that both Trump and former attorney general Sessions have expressed disapproval of, such as...
... the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services and Violence Against Women grants. The $1.3 billion represents less than 1% of DOJ's total budget, making it clear that the administration is specifically targeting programs that promote ending racial and gender injusticies.
5- Since the start of his campaign, Trump has been consistently supported by police unions and has proposed virtually no policies that support accountability among police.
6- At a 2017 speech delivered in Long Island, Trump addressed the handling of suspects in police custody and told officers "Please don't be too nice." The statement came only a few months after the president signed three executive orders that a White House blog post claimed...
... are intended to "restore law and order." These three orders include appointing Sessions to develop a strategy to more effectively prosecute crimes against law enforcement as well as increased funding for law enforcement
There is so much more information available on how Trump's administration has encouraged this behavior but it's so depressing to look at, here's a link to a timeline of every action the Trump administration has made to hinder civil and human rights: https://civilrights.org/trump-rollbacks/
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