I don't know why the fuck people are disputing this article.

There are two options; prosecute them herself or send it to the Grand Jury.

In every single case Amy chose the Grand Jury who ALWAYS declines prosecution.

She left in January 2007 to start her Senate career.
You can find video of Amy discussing her faith in the Grand Jury process.

The fate of Black America decided by a mostly white panel of jurors who apparently believe cops can do no wrong.

Should Chauvin have been prosecuted in 2006?

Probably not. That's up to the Prosecutor.
I have people telling me that this is "unhelpful & misleading."

Oh yeah?

Fuck you, kiss my black fucking ass.

People telling me to delete this tiny ass article.

Oh really?

Fuck you, kiss my black fucking ass.

Our lives matter more than your stupid fucking feelings.
Don't bring your ass to me trying to play Respectability Politics right now, I am not in the mood for your shit and I don't give the first fuck about making your white ass feel some kinda way.

I feel some kinda way all fucking day every fucking day.
Stop supporting candidates with poor records on race.

We are human beings too & it matters just as much that candidates are decent on Black issues as it matters that they are decent on issues you prioritize.

If I don't matter to them just as much as you do?

They can FUCK OFF!
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