Some interesting tactics were brought up in this report. With protests sure to pop up around the country and soon, it could be informative to take a look:
1. Using airdrop to anonymously share fliers w info about protests
2. Diffusing tear gas bombs with traffic cones and water
3. Having a pre-planned route to move the protest from area to area, leaving cops chasing behind and lost
4. In areas with public transit, leaving one access tickets for protestors, not in their name, for quick escape
5. Laser pointers and spray paint to evade cameras
Not included but if possible wear SHATTER PROOF goggles
If you are not able to protest, there are resources available to aid protesters on the ground now.  feel free to add more.
A lot of the arson and voiclence is instigated by the police in an effort to cause harm and change the narrative in the media about the movement. If possible, record under cover cops when they are in the act of inciting further destruction, as that will serve as the only proof.
However, I will take this time to say that we do not have to peacefully protest our own murders. This is not the time for your respectability politics. Respect from WHO?? We know who they are. We know who they come from and who they protect. If you don’t, you better learn.
I’ll be doing more research on how protesting is carried out around the world in ways that can allow the movement to lose as few people as possible. I love you. Your LIFE and your work is important. If you need to vent I’m here.
The weight of generations of our people living in near constant state of protest isn’t weight to be shouldered alone. It’s okay to be tired, stressed, angry, or feel like your hope is being tested/tried. You don’t have to feel any of that alone or in silence. Reach out
I didn’t expect this thread to attract so many people. I can truly only reply to so many people at once. If you are also in the place to lend yourself as a listening ear or support for someone, please make yourself known.
You can follow @indigouna.
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