HEY!!If you're wondering why people in St. Paul are pissed off, the history of Interstate 94 and STP is sad.

There's currently an action taking place at the Midway Target and surrounding retailers.

I'm really not able to summarize this any better than the MN Hist. Center did.
There's even a revenge film where a former resident seeks violence against the developers and Capitalists that upended his life. I can't find any related web pages about it right now; I only heard about it in a lecture once.
I'll probably also be watching this student film later to hear the stories of the people and places that were paved over to make a road.

So, if you're looking for a pattern to the assemblies in Minneapolis and St. Paul, let's think about the material and historical circumstances that leave people with no other resort than to make sure that their voices are heard.
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