As I’m T-minus 11 days until my release, I’ve been thinking about my journey a lot. Many of you know my story because I’ve talked about it here, but I haven’t really been able to process it until now. I remember...
...the days of querying my first book. I got so many requests I was convinced that I was a genius and that I’d be a huge success (ha!) Oh, how very wrong I was. The rejection nearly ate me alive. I didn’t know how to handle rejection back then, and...
...I lost a big part of me. It took a lot to try again and write a second book. This time I was determined to finally succeed. But after querying again, I failed ONCE MORE. No agent wanted me. The same burn of rejection overtook me and...
...it took a lot to try again. I queried my third book, and gold struck. I had so many offers I didn’t know how I’d choose which agent to work with. But then on sub, (and again, thinking I was going to get a huge deal because I’d had so much interest)...
...I failed AGAIN. No one wanted my book. After a year of rejection, my agent & I parted ways. So I queried again. I was able to secure another agent, but the rejection on sub came in AGAIN. A full year of no’s. Even after getting as close as acquisitions—which stung the most...
...the thing about rejection is, is that it can spiral you downward to where it changes you. It brings back old neuropathways of old rejection to make the present rejection feel worse. I walked away from my agent again and queried another book. This time...
...I didn’t get an agent. And to fail on a book after having an agent twice was devastating. I was convinced I was the worst writer in the world—that I’d never succeed. That I needed to walk away forever...
...I had never considered small press because I had my goals of being with a Big 5 publisher, and I didn’t want to let that dream go, but I decided to take the leap. I decided it was better to get my work out there instead of being trapped in the same...
...cycle. I got several offers and chose an amazing publisher. I’ve absolutely adored working with them. And then I was able to secure another agent. But this time, as I continue to be on this journey...
...the rejection isn’t hurting as bad. It still stings, but I think because I’ve moved forward and opened my mind up to different avenues, it’s given me strength and a clearer identity. Rejection...
...isn’t a reflection of who I am. It doesn’t make me worthless. In fact, it gives me character because I continue to persevere. Even now, as I’m getting reviews, I could let my heart sink when someone criticizes my...
...work. (And I adore the good ones!) But I’ve learned so much through this past decade of rejection that it’s prepared me to face whatever comes ahead. It’s worth it to press on and...
...face the hardship head on. No matter our journey, whether it’s years of hardship or not as long, we all face it one way or another. So as I look back, I’m grateful for my journey. I wouldn’t change it for anything...
...even though I’m not where I want to be yet, I can still be proud of who I have morphed into and enjoy the process of FINALLY holding my debut in my hands. 11days!!! ✨🩰
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