My fellow actors/creatives:

I wanted to share something with you that has helped to raise my spirits a bit in case you're feeling disheartened about where you're at in your career or journey, particularly if you feel you've slipped backwards instead of going forwards.
Have a look at some of your previous work where you know you had made progress and/or broken through personal barriers.

Look at how brave, creative and powerful you were.

Know that if you did it then, you can do it again and go beyond it.
Perhaps you went through certain experiences that threw you off your path or progress. Perhaps it's been a long time since you were creative and "on it" and the rust is weighing you down whilst you watch others (seemingly) fly high ahead of you.
I know it's tough (trust me on this one) but we absolutely need to keep our eyes, heart and mind on *our* own personal journey and not compare ourselves to anyone else. Ironically, only look at where *you were* in order to remind yourself:
"I'm obviously capable. I do have the capacity to succeed. I know this because I have evidence of where I've been and if I've been there before then I can be there again - and I can go above & beyond it."

#SelfCompassion & #SelfLove are central to this. It's a work in progress.
You can follow @Jennifer_Act.
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