Let me note some matters of substance
1 care home deaths - is it true the #Conservatives sent infected people to care homes
2 PPE - did the Gov downgrade PPE requirements because they failed to order the correct PPE
3 were the cons following a herd immunity /eugenics theory https://twitter.com/garystreeterSWD/status/1266047678070296576
4 why is #DominicCummings job more important than the greater good /public safety& health
5 why are journalists being stopped from attending DS and stopped from asking questions
6 why are cons insisting #schoolsreopening #ChildrenToTheSlaughter
7 why are cons relaxing lockdown,
Contrary to common sense, best practice, WHO advice
8 do #Conservatives understand having a high death count is a BAD thing
9 at what point will any conservative mp apologise to the public for this chaotic handling of the Pandemic
10 Are nhs staff deaths because of Gov failure
/Lack of PPE - will this Gov accept they're negligent
11 failure to request #ExtendTransition is this because MPs or donors are making money from the chaos
12 failure to #ReleaseTheRussiaReport is it because some MPs have Russian funding/links or because Russia wanted brexit
13 is there a failure to tell the truth
- re actual deaths caused by Covid-19
- re the devastation to the UK from #Brexit
- #DominicCummings

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