So the UK has under 18 months to deliver one of the most complex and important diplomatic events in human history (this is not hyperbole) against the backdrop of a global pandemic and deep recession.
It is an epic ask and we must wish all those involved the very best. The odds on a genuinely successful outcome remain long, but they can be overcome.
First up the government needs to deliver a credible net zero strategy ASAP. No loopholes, no half measures, establish the UK as not just a world leader but the world’s premier decarbonisation hub. Provide the template for green stimulus packages everywhere.
But that’s the easy bit. The Paris Agreement was forged through a masterclass of diplomacy and logistics. The UK needs to do the same against a much less auspicious backdrop.
Things get easier if Trump loses, but that’s not guaranteed and Biden is not a panacea. The UK needs to lead the diplomatic drive. Call in every favour, twist every arm, build alliances. The stuff we used to be good at.
That means stop picking pointless fights over Brexit. This requires real co-operation. It’s about saving the planet, not winning the next news cycle.
It also means proper resource and proper focus from Number 10. No more fights with Sturgeon. A real team effort.
And get some heavy hitters back in the room. Cameron and Hague shamefully declined a role, but you need some more star power. Reach out across party lines if you have to. This is too important for narrow party loyalties.
Finally, build support. Make this part of the national revival. Bring businesses, campaigners, unions, old and young together to build something better. Run a campaign built on unity and a shared vision.
Basically do all the things you’ve been failing to do the past few months. The stakes couldn’t be higher. The odds are against you. But if you want a place in history that may just counterbalance recent events this is the main chance.
You can follow @James_BG.
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