The level of vitriol aimed at the doctor in Campbellton is truly concerning. No question- they broke the law and used exceptionally terrible judgement, but this shaming is awful. COVID didn't disappear, cases are going to happen. As a business owner, this terrifies me.
There should absolutely be consequences for his (horrendous) decisions. The RCMP are investigating. But my goodness, this is a slippery slope to us naming, shaming and threatening (!) those who through no actual fault of their own, expose others to this virus. This will happen
My husband is a front line health care worker and we own a pharmacy. Imagine one of us contracts COVID by going to work, or a restaurant, shopping at a local store, enjoying a patio pint - doing something we're currently being encouraged to do. It would be devastating.
Of course we'd be desperately worried that we contributed to health risks to others, but we'd also likely suffer terrible public scrutiny. Its weighed heavily on us for the last 24 hours.
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