2. The negativity and hostility hammered into me by poor leaders has left scars that I struggle to hide. I reflect on this regularly: what did I do wrong? Was it my fault? What could I have done to handle it better? I reply scenarios endlessly in my mind...
3. And now I find myself surrounded by wonderful people and I still can't shake those doubts (yet)... But I'll keep trying! I am incredibly inspired by so many wonderful people and a school and online community that supports and challenges brilliantly...
4. So, if you've found some stunning people to follow then please share them here! Shout out, say why and celebrate their wonderfulness! We all deserve a ray of sunshine in our lives ☀ #edutwitter #education #TinyVoiceTuesdayUnites #tinyvoicetuesday #FFBWednesday
@chrisparkhouse is the most brilliant, inspiring head in the world!
@Toriaclaire and @deputygrocott are building communities full of joy
The #TVTTagTeam are stunningly supportive of anyone in need of a hand
@NiallO7Brien @MusicEdu4all and @DarrellWakelam are stunning specialists
@teacher_mr_r @MrJLetts @PaulGarvey4 @MrTs_NQTs blow me away with their support and positivity
@secretHT1 and @CensoredHead are full of words of wisdom
@jma368 @CharlotteVoakes @alexandra_jayn @stephenmorland @MrM_PrimaryNQT @teachingmumuk are bloody BRILLIANT people!
@MenTeachPrimary @TrueEducation_P and @IRIS_Connect are building banks of blogs, platforms of fantastic shared practice
@danodonovan78 @MrMChatley @westulon @thinkpix_suze @Headfornothing1 @thatboycanteach are all fantastically knowledgeable
You can follow @MrHtheteacher.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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