using a hashtag and donating money isn't gonna stop people from being racist. i understand raising money to support a family or a court case or something, but you guys act as if not donating money or not using a hashtag means that the person is a racist and thats where you're 1/4
a part of the problem. The problem with racism is not only that black, hispanic, muslim, ect... (people who aren't white) are seen negatively and stereotyped, but it's also that the word "racist," gets thrown around so often that we either don't take it as seriously(2/4)
or we are so quick to jump on a bandwagon cancelling someone who was called a racist, but in reality is just a normal person. This is NOT about people talking about George Floyd or his killers, this is about people who throw out the fact that people not posting about that are 3/4
racist, or dont care about the movement. we do, we just don't want to feed in on negative energy, no matter how deserving. People should know someone deserves justice without the use of a movement or a hashtag. ok bye twitter. good thread. 4/4
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