america’s capitalist society built its foundation on the super exploitation of Africans who were brought as slaves; the stealing of land from Indigenous and Mexican people; and the genocide of Indigonous peoples
and since americas primitive accumulation of capital was produced by such use of genocide, land theft, and slavery, race is ALWAYS a factor when analyzing the actions of the state (since the state is an arm of capitalism) and the institutions that protect it
institutions like the courts, the prisons, the police, and the military which are funded by the earnings of the working class but stand to maintain “order” by protecting the elite and their wealth from the masses that are exploited and oppressed
and the ruthless power of americas capitalist state and the institutions that uphold it is revealed every time america is shocked and awed into submission when a young unarmed Black man dies at the hands of racist police officers who are rarely punished or held accountable
so the claims that the organization of activists in Minneapolis is nothing more than a protest against “racial violence” is naive bc a protest against racial violence would also be a protest against the bosses and systems of racism and prejudice that they use for personal gain
and it is dishonest to try and say that reform is enough to bring about real change because no ruling class has ever given up its power without a fight
so don’t condemn the cries for revolution when the conflicts that stem from the relations between existing social/economic classes have been intolerable for way too long and there’s no other solution but the complete abolition of this disgustingly unjust system
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