I RT'd this thread earlier about someone detransitioning and their reasons why, and it got me thinking a lot, because I couldn't relate to much of it at all.

In fact, the truth might be that I habe experienced comparatively little to almost zero IRL transphobia.
In fact, the only times I've ever experienced it, generally speaking, are when I've been with another trans person.

I remember once being in line at a convenience store with a friend and you could cut the repulsion with a knife, and I'd never had that happen.
Somehow, despite the fact that I'm nearly 6'2" and it took me a two and half years to be able to pass consistently (though it was happening within six months if I did my makeup right) I have never had much of a problem at all.

Even when people know, it never seems to bug them.
This is not a brag thread. It's more of a realization that I might have some kind of privilege I didn't know I had.

I don't know what exactly it is, though.

So many of the things they discuss in their thread seem alien to me.
I never felt comfortable presenting as a man, and even after almost 3 years I have *zero* desire to go backwards. To me that feels like purposely walking my ass into prison.

That isn't to say I don't feel sad about things at times, like, I wish I could have had kids.
And it wasn't clear that this was the right move in any way except physical. There's honestly a part of me that's still disgusted at how right this feels, scared that one day I'll wake up and realize it's all bullshit, but more scared society is gonna try and make me take it back
I'm really grateful to her for writing that, because it helps me feel better about things.

And it also helps me to understand where to properly frame my perspective of this. I'm really lucky in a lot of ways, im grateful, and knowing what they are helps me be more empathetic.
I think that's the right way to look at privilege- I can't see anything positive coming from feeling guilty about it. Better to acknowledge it, feel grateful, and then see how knowing where you are can position you to help or be more sensitive to the needs of others.
I'm slightly concerned that this thread is not going to come off the way I mean for it to, or that it sounds a bit arrogant but truly I don't mean it that way.
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