One thing I've noticed from my fellow white people surrounding the murder of George Floyd is that we point out the structure of white supremacy without directly involving themselves. 1/n
I've seen lots of memes, instagram posts, twitter posts that point out the wrongs, but then I see very little admitting that they themselves contribute to it in someway. I don't know if it's a subconscious thing, trying to save our egos, but these platitudes are meaningless 2/n
Something I struggle with on a daily basis is that racism is born into me, based how society perceives my pigment, whether I like it or not. In my teens, I was swayed by internet troll culture, and participated in making awful jokes "for the lulz" 3/n
I grew away from it, and learned to have empathy, but I still feel intense guilt, and try to do better each day. Which is not enough, because we still witness injustice, daily, hourly. 4/n
I feel like as white people, we witness these events through the lens of social media, and once we react to events on these platforms, our sense of accomplishment has been reached, because people are aware of our outrage. And even this post is an example of that. 5/n
I guess if I was to distill this thread down, it'd be I want to more action and less social media. I don't know how to be the catalyst for any of this, but I'm willing to learn, volunteer, fund. 6/final
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