You can't have different races without also having negentropic development aka human racial development which has concentrated groups in respective environments, developing specific traits, whilst preserving genetic diversity globally.
The idea that only white people are "racist" is disproven by 2million plus years of human planetary occupation whereby without all groups clustering from each other,becoming different, there'd be no variation between groups.
It's also a fairytale to project onto other races this idea of purity, as if your own group somehow wasn't predisposed to think of its own identity -- quite literally you are here today because of them doing exactly that!
Sure, today, racism has come to mean prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is different.
But that's the story of mankind. All of it: White, Black, Yellow and Polka dot.
By what authority should another racial group 400 years ago have not put their group above yours? Seems cruel, doesn't it. But did your group not trade on identity? Did your group somehow defy the negentropic power of nature to not acquiesce into identity orientated survival?
I think this aspect of understanding race is sorely missing from the discussion which reduces it down to simplistic narratives of 'bad versus good'.Until all parts of mankind disengage their identity,if such a thing is possible, asking one grp,Whites to, amounts 2 discrimination.
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