About a week ago a family member was telling me that they didn’t like the way cops were treated and thought that until they did something undeniably racist, they should be given the benefit of the doubt. These recent events prove that is absolutely incorrect.
I am white, I have never and will never know what it’s like to be oppressed for the color of my skin. Although personally I am actually quite scared of cops, if I were to have a conversation with one I wouldn’t know if they were racist.
This is something a lot of other white people seem to not be able to understand, people often say “I think I would know if they were racist” but how could you? Unless you actually see the way a cop treats people of color you have no idea if they are racist or not.
And yeah, there are cops out there who aren’t racist. There are even cops who are people of color themselves, and yeah I guess it kinda sucks for them to be grouped in with all the racist cops.
But that’s not nearly as bad as what all the people of color who are killed every year deal with.
I guess the message of this thread is 1. Listen to people of color when they say something is racist 2. Unless someone’s life is on the line, don’t call the cops.
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