Look there are people who are not capable of learning, because they don’t want to. The don’t want to learn things that conflict with their desire to maintain the status quo. For some folks that is a concrete objective and they are not worth the energy. Not right now.
I’ve read multiple books about this shit (and can suggest a few!!), I’ve been on the streets for this before. I am absolutely not going to waste my time with someone who is mad on their couch about looting and can’t even do a simple google search. They want to waste your time.
And here’s the thing: this is the phase in the cycle where the time-wasters are gonna get REAL LOUD. because suddenly everyone around them are speaking up and taking action and they can’t stand it. They WANT you to waste hours on agruing, and not being active. That’s the goal.
If this were simply about education and sincere discourse for improving things, that would be different. But notice these folks will ignore important facts? and they place the ENTIRE BURDEN of information on YOU?? and argue you’re wrong if you don’t google for them? a whole trap.
Regardless, we have move past the phase of civil discourse. If you’re taking to the streets: be safe. be aware. be careful who you trust. If you’re online, reserve your energy for research, organizing, and uplifting. Educating right now may be fruitless, maybe another day.
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