Why has no one ever thought about re-writing the system from its roots/ foundation? Peaceful protests obviously never work and even the riots won’t do much but make things worse for poc. Be the change you want. I never see anybody striving to be the next MLK, Obama or any
politician for that matter. We rely on hopes of mutual understanding from people who have no sense of compassion or equality and we think that symbols like kneeling will make a difference?? It’s a great gesture & helps us feel like we stand behind something but to them it’s a
joke. Rioting and destroying infrastructure will definitely prove a point but ultimately lead to even more tension within our own country. So why not rewrite the rules starting from its core? Like I said people worship politicians who have made a difference but never want to be
the next MLK or anything even remotely close. But if it’s about being the next big rapper or trapper everybody is w/ it? That’s crazy. I’ll be the first to tell y’all, your favorite rapper is probably quiet af right now and probably won’t do anything besides share their opinion.
but at this point I’m just ranting, all I was getting at is change will only come from within. I love to see the compassion and optimism we have for change but this is the white man’s game, whether we like it or not & we need to play our cards accordingly. Beat them at their own
game starting from its foundation. Destroy it by working from the inside out. WE NEED CHANGE.
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