I don’t like to rant on social but I can’t say it enough

If we wanna change this country we have to act and make the system work for us.

Twitter is a platform so great you got your ideas out to your 300 followers but if you wanna actually CHANGE something you have got to act
In more ways than are just retweeting political leaders and putting your same views over and over again.

The beautiful thing about this country is that it CAN change yes it sucks and it’s hard and we don’t always do the most efficient route but if you want to CHANGE
Then you have to do stuff like VOTE be engaged in your local legislature as well as state and federal.

Let people know WHY something needs to be changed with FACTS not just opinions

Find news sources with FACTS not biases (side eye dead at you MSNBC and FOX)
This country is an experiment that is never finished.

It has to CHANGE in order to survive and if you think it’s perfect the way it is then you just shout conservatism as a blanket cover for being lazy.

And if you have idealistic views that are borderline manifestos then you
Hide behind the word progress for not knowing how we progress as a society and a nation step by step and with COMPROMISE

Stop calling people libtards or conservative Nazi’s just because they have one view different than you

Learn what they believe in, research what they
Actually believe in and actually figure out what you have in common.

I may come across as progressive but financially I’m pretty conservative but I understand that to get as best as possible I have to COMPROMISE.
So I leave with this:
Things need to be fixed. No one deserves to die at the hands of someone else.

together as a nation we need to understand where we are at fault and use what our laws put in place to change our nation for the better.
God Bless the USA but until we recognize ALL our communities as equal.

Until EVERYONE can have the best chance at the pursuit life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness under the full protection of the law.

Then we need to continue to adapt and change as a country.
You can follow @AndrewLavely123.
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