Per police scanner:
“Pretty much every business west of Pascal is being looted”
“DTLR being looted”
Possible flamethrowers
15 males trying to “force in the door” at foot locker. One man with a sledgehammer
White male in black Cadillac with a machete
Looting at midway rainbow, employees present
Police clearing employees from (midway?) target
Possible shots to the west of target
North of university, by pascal. No squad to enter that “hostile” area
Police told not to intervene the looting
T-mobile breached, not clear if by looters, police, or both
Police sending officers to t-mobile
Police naming strike teams (was originally named strike force, which imo is an objectively cooler name)
One of the cops on the scanner is super bossy and sounds like a condescending dick, just as an aside
“Ammunitions and less-lethals signed out to personnel”
Police discussing closing university & snelling, asking for officer on the scene what it would take to stop traffic feeding into “problem areas”
Requesting another squad to target. Crowd starting to jump onto squad cars in parking lot
Permission requested and approved for officers to use pepper ball for crowd control at target
Officer hit with a bottle at target, no injury
Man has a hammer at target parking lot
Looting happening at many/all businesses east of Pascal
Windows broken out at tobacco shop 2135 old Hudson?
20-officer force team (officer called it a “platoon”) headed toward sunray with a cart team
Female with baseball bat East doors of target
Target status: “we have 150 people on the west end...” looters throwing liquor bottles at the police
SPD sending more officers to Sunray
Male by tree at target has a firearm
I repeat: protester is (allegedly) armed outside of target
Citizens telling cops (at target?) that a dude is skateboarding and he has “bunch of glass in his backpack”
200-225 people at target “getting aggressive”
Vans headed out: one to east side of Allianz with 6 people, another van headed somewhere else with 7 in it (assuming the people in the vans are police)
Protesters headed toward cub
Looting at TJMaxx & dollar tree
State patrol shutting down 94 over there, not clear if westbound, eastbound or both but be mindful of this while you’re out
Police presence pulled out of foot locker, there was “too many of them”
“People are forming a human chain linking arms, making it hard to target people throwing rocks”
Officers approved for CS deployment
Man at target with a sledgehammer, smashed out state trooper’s car window (officer inside of the car)
Situation seems to be deteriorating rapidly at target
More police en route to target pls advise protestors
Many police officers en route to their staging area at cub to prevent protestors from going further west
Gas being deployed at target
Police requesting backup at target, en route
Allegedly protestors are liberating riot gear from the police out of the squad cars
Two 22” batons liberated from the back of a squad car by protesters
Police seem to be focusing on getting the situation at midway target under control
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