
Imagine for a second, you own a home, and one morning you wake up and find someone outside vandalizing your mailbox.

You know who did it, it some kid from the next block over. So, you go over to their house, talk to the father and he says "I'll take care of it."
The next day, the kid is keying your car. You go back and get the same answer.

The day after that, he's ripping up your hedges. Same answer from the father.

Day after that, he sets fire to your house and every time you speak to the father he answers the same.
You've asked politely, so at what point do you just resort to action of any kind? They're not listening to you. The father will never "Take care of it."

In response, you burn down HIS house since that might finally get a response.

Too much? Let's try something else
Maybe, instead, you turn to a third party to mediate instead of taking things into your own hands.

And every time that mediator sides against you because "DUH" they're in cahoots with the father! In fact, that father has everyone on their side you could get to mediate.
What do you then? Being polite didn't work, working in the system won't work. At what point do you stand up and fight back?

Because that is what is Happening over in #minneapolisriots right now. Just change it from "things" to "Black lives" and the time frame to 200 years +
No one listens if your "Nice" or "Polite." The Justice system never sides with them as Black men and women are killed by Law Enforcement. They live in a perpetual state of fear of being killed for just living in America and being black.
A "routine" stop might be your actual end. When doing everything, the Officer(s) tell you to do means they crush your throat, and when it goes to trial, the law sides with the cops, over and over and over.
When everything is against you, what else can you do but get eyes on Justice the only way left to you?

/End Thread
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