my fathers name is Kemp Yarborough. On March 8, 2011 he was murdered by police officers in the bronx while having an asthma attack after breaking up an altercation. Instead of helping him they pepper sprayed him claiming that they saw him pulling out a gun .
they claimed he had drugs on him which he probably did . he had a past , like most people do . he had to find a way to make extra money to help his wife and two kids .
my point is . at the time they didn’t know he had it on him until they checked . still that doesn’t give you a right to kill someone for having an asthma attack . he literally repeated “i can’t breathe” & they pepper sprayed him & watched him die .
they world we live in is disgusting . the sad part is the cops weren’t white . most cops tend to forget where they come from when they join the police force . they tend to forget how to communicate with people just like them. either that or they just never knew how to .
it is sad that at a young age i had to learn that one day it could be me . that one day if i have a child regardless of gender that i have to bring them up in this world . that i have to tell them the story about their grandfather & explain to them why this happened .
knowing that i have to explain to them all the lives that where lost because of this senseless act of violence the cops have with black people . it just isn’t right . i’m simply tired of this unnecessary cruelty us black people continue to receive . in reality slavery never ended
i was only ten. he told me he was coming home to bring us food . & then we got a call that he died . he never came home.
there are many people who are murdered by the police every other day . i will continue to advocate for all of them. because it hurts . it’s ridiculous and it needs to stop .
i will forever tell my fathers story .
oh btw y’all there was no gun . it was just his inhaler . but y’all probably got the gist.
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