There is a breed of grifter that keeps popping up, which the is the comfortable leftist insisting they speak for the working class by dismissing any idea beyond the mildest succ-dem reforms.

then they call people liberals, for such liberal positions as "abolish the police"
They use the word liberal or neoliberal as their 'get out of arguing free card'. They just throw the word around without the slightest regard for what it means, it's just a magic word that means your opponent in any disagreement is discredited.
You can identify these people by how much they think revolutionary leftist tendencies are "cringe", and socialism is when you have healthcare.
And because whenever I vague-post people will assume it's about Vaush and pester me about it forever, this thread is about the lemon terf who is toxic and not worth our fucking time.
I am loath to give her the attention she so desperately craves, and look forward to the day when she fades back into the irrelevance for which she was always destined.
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