Ini Thread , Tolong Rt :))

my dad is having a mental breakdown bcs of social media viral power that we all thought amazing .
this thing start went viral on fb page of our housing area community group when this particular customer posted pictures with a very lengthy, rude&irritating captions. Surprisingly, many left hatred comments on the post. Idk maybe bcs they believed that customer is always right??
My dad is a carpenter whom has a lot of experiences . He worked with many big companies on timber industry hence his knowledge on woods are so much deeper . His specialty is garden landscape furnitures .
Once upon a time, he flew all over the world bringing his masterpiece under the sponsors of company he worked for . Later , he decided to open his own business .
When this particular customer went viral with that rude post , it made him sad , frustrated because his works are not appreciated . He puts his sweats & time to complete the garden set that the customer has ordered .
This customer ordered a garden table set which obviously made for garden . During the progress of making the table set , she came to the shop twice , praising my dad for making such a beautiful pieces & couldnt wait to have them .
On the delivery day , my dad sent out the set using a lorry but my dad wasnt there well yes bcs he is also busy with other customer since our shop is not dedicated only for woods , it is a nursery
Late evening my dad received a message saying there is something need to polish because she said the table and the chairs are rough , she wanted my dad to come over & do some retouch . She is so impatient . But well my dad’s worker came by & did whatever she wanted my dad to do .
Masalahnya benda kasar yg dia cakap tu benda yg kat bawah meja & bawah kerusi tu . A simple reminder , this is a GARDEN TABLE SET NOT AN INDOOR TABLE SET . To my dad that is simply irrelevant because he knows better .
But then he said he will come later but because of raya is near enough & there are other customers too , my dad did not come at the time he said he will come. But he replied to her message .
This rude customer posted on fb shaming my dad & my dad’s nursery . She said all nasty things about my dad & his works . Interestingly , she did that without properly discuss with my dad . AND SHE ONLY ASKED FOR REFUND AFTER SHE POSTED THAT RUDE COMMENT .
Kalau tak suka discuss dulu elok elok benda boleh bawa bincang masalahnya ni terus melulu pergi viral kan . memang busuk hati sungguh . My dad spent his time & sweats & money on this garden set .
Memang niat nak jatuhkan orang , customer ni sebab kalau dia berfikir waras boleh sahaja dia minta refund terus sebabnya masalah yang dia complain tu sangat sangat lah minor .
My dad told her to solve this problem but she ends up threatening my dad that she can do a lot more than just went viral on fb . She is so heartless . I wonder why there are some people that are just so selfish , didnt even care about other.
Lain la kalau my dad ni larikan diri ke apa ke , ni tak memang kedai nursery tu memang terpacak kat situ . Dia tak minta refund pon tiba tiba je viral kat fb . My dad layan dia elok elok je tapi dia mmg busuk hati .
After reading all the mean comments from the post , my step mother decided to block her on ws because she afraid she cant control her anger but my dad did not . Jadi boleh je dia contact my dad so tak payah la kecoh kecoh ckp org block ke apa ke .
Siapa je tak geram baca comment2 jahat mcm tu . My dad is such in a misery after this incident . Kesian tengok bila satu satunya masterpiece yang dia dh berjaya bawa keliling dunia pergi ke macam2 expo kena buang mcm sampah oleh sesetengah pihak yang tak tahu nilai sebenar .
Dia sampai cakap mcm ni , “papa nak rehat sebulan dua taknak ambil order sebab masih terkilan dgn kata kata orang yang comment kat post tu “ .
Semua furniture ni handmade ok , garden set yg customer tu order tu my dad buat sorang sorang , sebab pekerja banyak takde ye lah nak raya kan busy buat banyak kerja lain & kalau ada pon dorang tak tahu nak buat sebab susah .
So my dad pon dh refund duit dia & customer tu hantar balik set meja tu ke kedai then bila set tu sampai je , my dad mcm surprised sbb meja tu tak seteruk yg digembar gemburkan oleh customer tu .
That is what made my dad bertambah sedih because his works is not only not being appreciated but the whole housing community who read the fb post might have some bad views on him .
Dia cakap tadi, bila org dtg kedai tgok dia tgh buat2 kerja kayu, selalu bermain kat fikiran dia yg org ni mesti tgh judge dia. My dad takde fb so dia tak tahu apa yg org comment kat post tu. Si customer yg rude tu siap ss comment2 jahat kat fb post dia tu & hantar kat ws my dad.
My dad is someone who you can easily discuss with, if the customer said from the earliest that she wanted a refund, my dad will give it but the problem is she didn’t. She only asked for it when she already viralkan benda alah tu kat fb .
This is cyber bullying because my dad did nothing but she said everything bad about him & this issue got my dad into mental breakdown thinking his skills are no longer appreciated .
Moral of story, never take a big step to defame people. You never know what are the impacts of your action to them. Talk & solve it properly. Please make this social media viral power as the last resort .
To those who read this, thank you so much . All I ask from you people are just some simple encouraging words for my dad so I can show those to him to make him feel better . 😊
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