Dear millenials: please stop telling the class of 2020 that missing our graduation isn’t a big deal and we shouldn’t be upset about it.
“Graduation isn’t even fun, it’s hot and you’re wearing a shower curtain”

“I didn’t even go to my college graduation”

“People are dying, stop complaining”
Yes, people are dying. And we recognize that not having graduatioj ceremonies is integral to containing the spread of coronavirus and saving lives. But (most of us) are still sad. Really sad.
We aren’t sad because we so desperately wanted to sit outside in 80+ degree weather wearing a hot cap and gown. We are sad because we wanted our parents to see us walk across the stage as they said our names, because that was important to them.
We are sad because we cannot properly say goodbye to people who were significant parts of the past four years of our lives, many of whom we may not ever see again.
We are sad because this transitional time of life is already hard enough when the world is normal. We are doing it during a global pandemic, and most of us are graduating with an additional level of anxiety and uncertainty. When will things be “normal” again?
Let us be sad. Please.
Anyway twitter needs an edit button because I made 3000 typos in this thread. Sorry
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