Being Black in Science:

I vividly remember my first full-time summer research experience. Not because of the research itself but because during summer 2016 it felt like every other day another unarmed black person was being murdered for no reason. (1/7)
I remember being heartbroken hearing story after story.

Crying daily. Terrified for myself, my Black boyfriend, my Black family members and friends.

That they could be doing nothing wrong but still become another hashtag because of the color of their skin. (2/7)
This fear is consuming. It’s horrifying. And it’s a terrible reality.

During all this, I had to go to lab and act like everything was fine.

I was doing research in an all-white lab at a PWI. There were no talks of the social injustices plaguing the Black community. (3/7)
No concern about these constant murders. No questions about my mental health.

It was incredibly isolating.

They didn’t care or even pretend to care that Black people were mercilessly being killed. So how was I supposed to care about some funky bands on a western blot?? (4/7)
Thank God for the Black woman who was co-director of the summer program. She organized a safe space for us, allowed us to share our fears and reminded us that we still belong in science.

Without her, I may not have continued doing research. 5/7
I’m sharing this as a reminder that if you have Black students in your lab, as mentees, or even just friends, CHECK ON THEM.

Ask how they’re doing. I don’t care if you’re “uncomfortable talking about race”. It’s not about you.

This is traumatizing and affects us daily. (6/7)
Just acknowledging it, saying “hey I can’t imagine what it feels like but I support you and am here if you want to talk” really makes a difference.

Pretending like it’s not happening doesn’t help anyone. Least of all, the Black students in predominantly white spaces. (7/7)
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