Why do so many Natives that post #BlackLivesMater follow this account & not call him out on the harmful rhetoric he is sharing. Smsh -_- https://twitter.com/lakotaman1/status/1266059515021029376
This is what I call performative alliance & solidarity. You talk bad about a movement but praise certain things of that movement you just talked ill about. https://twitter.com/lakotaman1/status/1266017941876649990?s=21 https://twitter.com/lakotaman1/status/1266017941876649990
Is this for likes or clout? This is the lived experiences of many of our Black-Native, Afro-Indigenous, & Black relatives. You can’t dismiss what they do bc they are grieving & are tired of being murdered. It is not our place as non-Black POC & needs to be called out.
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