If u aren’t black u benefit from the system we live in. PERIOD. White or non-black POC. U benefit. I benefit. We have privileges. Saying “I’m not racist” quietly to yourself and staying silent and inactive rn is not the move. Speak out. Take action. Be better.
The fact that so many white and non-black POC get so uncomfy during these times not because of the injustices against black people, but from needing to confront the privilege and prejudices they have from growing up in a systemically racist society is privilege in itself.
We as a collective society, especially white & POCs who aren’t black have a lot of UNLEARNING to do. Unlearning and confronting. Put ur ego aside. Put whatever uncomfy feelings aside. Put defensiveness aside. Take the time and make the effort to be better and help.
The amount of people not understanding intersectionality rn...there are levels of oppression. POCs face horrible shit hands down that’s a fact but just because ur a POC doesn’t mean u face the same issues at the same level as black people.
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