I’m not going to put this reporter on blast bc who knows what the back story is here, but denigrating “small press” (which quartz literally is not) in this way is gross.
It’s the reason that local reporters justifiably hate reporters from national orgs. It’s mean. It’s condescending.
I have had the pleasure of working with *literally* hundreds of local reporters for @electionland. It is absolutely true that 1)They are frequently better reporters than the national reporters I know & 2)That national reporters constantly use their reporting and rarely source it.
Spare me the garbage news stories in all of these local papers about the meltdown of local news. You could help. You could give credit. You could link. You could admit you do not do your jobs entirely by yourselves and you benefit from the diligent work of those on the ground.
If national outlets want to know why local papers are struggling, it's at least partly because national papers rewrite their coverage without a second thought. Broadcast is particularly bad, but the reporter in the first tweet was print. It's an actual, real problem.
Like do national reporters realize how easy it is to hit control + K and link to a fkn story. Or say "First reported by x," and that doesn't at all take something away from their story? The demand in this industry for credit credit credit and being first is helping to ruin it.
You should be doing journalism to offer information. To help inform the voting public. You should not be doing it for self aggrandizement, and you certainly shouldn't put down reporters when they ask for credit they are due. ANYWAY. Fin.
w/e 1 more. Every story but 3 I've written in the last year have been in partnership with what this reporter calls "small press." I published 1 TODAY. Every 1 I've collaborated w knows their locality & has deeply added to the stories. I could not have done those stories w/o them.
If national papers do want to cover the non-coasts and do so effectively, they better cut this shit out. They better give credit where credit is due and realize that these reporters know a hell of a lot more about a lot of things than they do. It's simply a fact. Ok now i'm done.
Shout out to @dawnbvaughan, @drdesrochers, @BryanLowry3, @HunterMw, @stphnfwlr and the many other fantastic local reporters who I have worked with to produce stories I never could have otherwise. And screw any national reporter who tries to take your work.
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