you don’t know how terrifying living in this society is. you think you do, but you fucking don’t. unless you’re colored, you don’t get it. people thinking they have the right to disrespect you because your skin is a bit darker than theirs.
people making light of shit that could actually happen to you, tear your family apart, change your entire life. and they think it’s okay because that’s trump’s america. and if we speak up, it just escalates the situation.
it’s not my choice to tell people i’m biracial. that’s their first impression of me, whether i like it or not. everything about my genetics is written on my face and people see people like me and decide to take our lives. just because of some chromosomes. some melanin.
racism is still a problem. whether you experience it or not. that’s why we say black lives matter. people of color matter. we always have, and we always will. and if you don’t agree, get the fuck off of my page.
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