I may not have a big platform, but I want to make sure I’m doing everything I can when it comes to the #BlackLivesMatter movement and bringing justice for George Floyd and all other innocent black people who are killed by police.
I’ve been retweeting many petitions that I hope everyone who sees them signs. I don’t have the money to donate but I’ve also been retweeting ways to donate for the cause. I want to make a difference, no matter how little it may be.
Please consider donating and signing these petitions. I’m sure my timeline is not the only one filled with ways to help out the black community. I hope that’s what everyone’s timeline looks like. We need to stand for what we believe in, and I believe in the right to live.
I also want to ask anyone who sees this to reply to this thread with ways to help out. I want to make sure that I and everyone who is reading this helps out as much as possible. Quiet is violent. The only way to stop this injustice is to speak up about it.
You can follow @upiseastisup.
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