I want to come back to this for a sec. I appreciate the BIPOC voices politely smacking Dave around for this. But there's something more here we need to talk about, something I call the 30 second rule. https://twitter.com/daveixd/status/1266017869617381378
You get a bunch of submissions for a job opening. You have to sift through resumes, portfolios, collateral to figure out which 5 you want to phone screen. You're also slammed by all your other work. So you lean on patterns to decide who is in and who is out.
Some of them you know by experience -- never hire someone who worked at (terrible company). Others, though, you get ingrained in you. Too short a stay at a job. Spelling and grammar. Other things. You think they're effective patterns to find good candidates.

They're not.
Because what you're actually doing is following the patterns _you_ learned with zero evidence. And... it's crossing against your own biases, your own ingrained sense of what you believe true.

So bigotry and racism and sexism mix in, and you may not even notice.
It's been hard for me to undo a lot of this, but I'm trying. The more I talk to BIPOC folk about their experiences in this industry, the more it's told me there's a lot of bias that's keeping them out of growth patterns that are easy for men, esp white men, to access.
I haven't had to hire for a while (yay lean teams) but when I get back to it again I'm not going to spend 30 secs -- or less -- on winnowing. I'm going to consider them individually. And I'll put it on my damn calendar so no one can try to schedule over that time.
Because that's what I'd expect from other hiring managers if it were me. A real, clear, sober reckoning of what you can bring to the gig.

Also, fuck white supremacy in design.

(PS: I've also discovered how I feel about modern design hiring and team construction means I'm pretty unhireable as a design manager. C'est que c'est.)
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