i have a question for my navy mutuals...
about a month ago, you guys organized a gofundme link to help aid people that are effected by COVID-19 that would directly donate to rih's CL foundation. you guys raised over $3,000 (i am not sure on the exact amount)
the intentions behind this fundraiser were questioned due to people believing that you guys only did it to get noticed by rihanna. you guys denied this allegation and stated that you're donating to help people that is in need
so, my question for you is: why isn't there any "navy donate train" going around that can aid black people that are fighting for their lives and freedom in minnesota?
if selflessness was the reason for your first fundraiser, then what's stopping you now? you know that rihanna is a strong advocate for black people and black rights, so again i ask: what's stopping you?
if the fundraiser you organized was to help and NOT get praised by rih, then what's stopping you?
your tweets are not enough on this situation, and i'm honestly not shocked by how quiet majority of y'all have been on this situation
some of y'all were donating $40+ to the COVID-19 fundraiser, but have yet to donate the small amount of $20 to this one.
here is one place you can donate to support the events that's transpiring in minneapolis, so do what you campaigned to do about a month ago and OPEN YOUR PURSE: https://minnesotafreedomfund.org/donate 
some food for thought 😘
i am simply doing what OUR fave told me to do and that's telling y'all to pull up
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