This only works if you price in that Truth (with a capital-T no less!!!) is deeply, widely, and perpetually contested.
Trump makes it seem easier than it is because he lies and exaggerated like you or I breathe.

But journalists as a caste have a whole series of values and presumptions that undergird their understanding of Truth.
Many seem personally disinterested in evaluating them. More importantly, the market incentives of journalism (where audiences are siloed by partisanship) provide no such incentives. And I see little effort within the guild to police itself within those siloed.
In fact, I see this whole "We stand for Truth, facts, democracy, evidence," etc. as unintentionally performative for the audience within a particular silo.
That's how a particular audience views itself—not ideological, but Objective—and that is what it wants to hear.
Again, Trump makes it easy. For now. But he's out either on 1/21/21 or 1/21/25.
I have gotten to the point where I hardly read any news articles on politics. It's mainly court gossip or reporting information that I obtain on my own.
Also, as absurd as Twitter is, it really has done me a service in helping me understand modern journalism. Watching journos work things out in real time has been amazing.
Twitter has really highlighted their social, economic, and political presumptions.
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