News flash. Mailing ballots directly to all on registration rolls including the dead, those who have moved away, those who registered illegally, etc. is NOT the same as requesting an absentee ballot & using it to vote. The left seems to be unable to make that distinction.
And it's even worse when the people are not required to mail in their ballot with their address on the sealed envelope but political operatives can go 'door to door' to collect them and deliver them en masse. What could possibly go wrong?
Also there is apparently a state or two that requires voters to put their political affiliation on the outside of the envelope. What are the odds that some of those will sort of not make it to the counting tables or machines?
Voting in person has ways to cheat but it's more difficult to do. So many times the N.M. Republican wins an election by a few votes & voila! A box of ballots that was 'overlooked' mysteriously appears with just enough vote for the Democrat to win. Has never gone the other way.
In today's Albq Journal, myriad citizens report they requested their absentee ballots weeks ago & still have not received them in the mail. So they can't vote at all--not absentee, not in person. I'd lay odds most, if not all, of these are GOP too.
Voter fraud is serious but of less far reaching consequence in a closed primary election where at least a candidate of your own party will emerge as victor whether it is the right one or not. But in the general election it hugely affects us all.
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