a thread on how to be a black ally
Allyship has to be a regular action. It does not mean that you have to only post about injustices against the Black community, it means being proactive in everyday spaces.
As an ally when you hear ignorance, address it! Hold your friends accountable. Hold your coworkers accountable. Do not be afraid of being uncomfortable.
You don’t have to engage in endless arguments with people. Learn how to discern whether or not the person is willing to listen. If there is a teaching moment, teach. But don’t exhaust your energy on people who don’t care to learn.
Being an ally involves educating yourself on issues. You cannot help if you’re unaware of what’s going on.
Be genuine about what matters to you. Don’t just be mad because some of your friends are mad. You should be upset about what’s happening and really want to make change.
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