Christians, those who share your faith are more your brothers and sisters than those who share your blood, your nationality, your culture, your job, your race, your hobbies, your socioeconomic status, and everything else.
Irritating but entirely true ramifications of this statement:
1. It is more important to give money to missionaries than to do fundraisers for your local public schools.
2. If your kids don't go to church and if they have more money that they need, you should not give them your money when you die. (They'll just fight over it anyway.) Rather, give your money to your church, to the poor, and to your fellow Christians throughout the world.
3. You should be far more grieved by the unbelieving, wealthy suburbanite couple that chooses fur babies instead of children than you are by the mother who has a few kids with different dads yet raises her children to believe in Jesus.
4. You should be more comfortable talking theology with fellow Christians than you are talking sports with those who share an affinity for your preferred team.
5. You should be less concerned about immigrants coming to America and not learning English than you are about immigrants coming to America and not having someone to preach to them in their native tongue.
6. You should be more grieved by faithless pastors preaching false doctrine and leading their flocks astray than you are by faithless politicians misleading voters.
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