I will never forget the first time I was racially profiled. I was 12 years old walking down the street dribbling a basketball early Saturday morning when a PPD officer asked me to stop so he could talk to me. I replied yes sir because that’s how my mother raised me. He then asked
Where I was coming I responded my house which is right up the street. Pointed in the direction and everything. He then asked did I have any weapons or anything dangerous on me. I said no sir just my basketball and some gum. He searched me which I didn’t mind because like I said
My mother taught me to be respectful and calm when approached by officers. He then asked me to get in the car. I asked why again he said because I match the description of a suspect who just burglarized someone’s home. Knowing I did no wrong I peacefully let him handcuff me.
He drove me to the scene took my out the car and asked the homeowner was I the man he saw. The took a while and finally said no. During this time my neighbor saw me and called my mom and they came to the Scene and I’ve never seen my mama so scared and so upset in her life
She was literally on the verge of having an asthma attack and keep screaming at me asking why am I in handcuffs and the officer told her about the situation. They released me and when we got home she held me. For about 4 or 6 minutes or so and just cried and prayed
I never understood like mom. I’m ok I’m ok. And she still couldn’t calm down just crying and holding me. When I got older and had children I finally understood it. If that man was racist or angry and lied and said yes it was me. My whole world would’ve been gone. ‼️
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