
Well, I think it's ridiculous to belive white supremacy and deference to the white gaze is absent from HBCUs. It begot many of them!
Plenty of HBCUs are super invested in respectability and palatability for white people (generally, in the immediate geography, for future employers of students, for donors, etc.)
You can't *escape* white supremacy because you're in the US. Now, escaping physical white folks can definitely take the edge off though. 😅

HBCUs *could* be even safer spaces, or create spaces to do intercommunity work, but I don't think that really happens as much as it should.
(IMO HBCU's don't take safe spaces far enough: often don't create safety and justice for women, LGBTQ+ folks, and even many religious minorities...hey there white supremacy! Fix your slip!)
But! I also don't think that black people from any background *need* to spend time "preparing" for white people and overt racism by subjecting themselves to white nonsense in their formative years.

I think that idea is antiblack, honestly.
To clarify, I don't think being around WP is antiblack, but thinking you *should* to familiarize yourself w/ how whiteness moves def is. And it's dishonest! It erases the pervasiveness of WS and supports a paradigm in which we; in our otherness, need to be "trained" to be whole.
IMO it's an assault on our wellness and mental health, especially if you dont have the right foundation...

(...and I think we all deserve a self-loving foundation. This can happen at home, summers @ grandma's, and yes, college.)

I think going to an HBCU should be a requirement for black people who don't recognize and honor our richness and diversity, but it sure as shit won't save you from All of the Things.
Unless you're cisgendered, heterosexual, Christian, black man 😘.
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