For those arguing that Labour have never done anything good for the country, here’s some of our best achievements:

1st Labour Government
- 1924 Wheatley Housing Act
- Better welfare for most vulnerable in society
- Passed legislation to improve education, social insurance etc
Attlee Government:

- Creation of the NHS
- Creation of the Welfare state
- Tackled the five ‘evil giants’: want, squalor, disease, ignorance and unemployment’
- Nationalised key industries
- Increased Social Security
- Major house building programme
- National Insurance Act
Wilson Government

- Creation of the Open University
- Equal Pay Act 1970
- Ending of the Death Penalty
- Decriminalisation of Homosexuality
- Legislation to outlaw Racial Discrimination
- Increased spending on education, health, and housing rents
New Labour Governments:

- Good Friday Agreement
- Creation of Sure Start
- Introduction of National Minimum Wage
- The ‘New Deal’
- Record investment in the NHS, schools and the police
- Rescued our public services
- Civil Partnerships,
- The Equality Act
- Human Rights Act
- Legislation for Equality if Opportunity for all
- Worlds first Climate Change Act
- Cancelled up to 100% of the poorest countries in the worlds debt
Of course we aren’t perfect, and we’ve made plenty of mistakes along the way (Iraq War etc), but Labour Governments DO work, and I’m proud to be part of the Party that has the interests of the Many, not the Few, at its heart 🌹
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