This seems like fun!! 1 šŸ’“= 1 answer :)
1) How many works have you created?
While I donā€™t know the actual amount Iā€™d say 200+! Iā€™ve hopped from fandom to fandom so thereā€™s probably more than that. I know Iā€™ve made TONS of Gaga fanart hehe šŸ’“šŸ’“
2) Average time I spend on a piece?
My times differ a lot, especially recently. For my bigger pieces, like the jolyne in my icon, it takes 6+ hours but for my sketches maybe 2 hours? 1 if Iā€™m just winging it! āœļø
3) fav trope/au to draw?
I love mythology aus!! Something about turning your favorite character into a centaur or an elf just makes me :D idk itā€™s just so pretty!!
4) Fav part of creating?
Adding details!! I love adding the highlights to the cheeks/noses or putting on a characterā€™s eyeshadow!!
5) Easiest part of creating?
Hmm coloring!! But only when I have lineart!! Without the lineart I canā€™t be messy šŸ™„šŸ™„
6) Some artist recs?
I donā€™t know what this means!!
7) Drawing habits?
I scribble all over my digital canvases whenever Iā€™ve been spending too much time on a piece, helps me get out any exhaustion! I also always watch documentaries when I draw and wear a headband that holds back my bangs!!
8) A sneak peak of a wip?
šŸ‘šŸ‘rather large so idk if Iā€™ll finish!! (Click on the photo to see it in full pls...)
9) An idea for a future piece?
I really want to draw Valentine and his stand!! I love his colors
10) A fav part of a piece youā€™ve created?
I love the sparkles and butterflies I added to my jolyne piece!!
11) What do you do when you have artblock? I usually just lay down and browse twitter while feeling disappointed :(
12) Your most treasured piece?
Jolyne again!! Idk itā€™s just the one that made me get more comfortable with art. It was the first drawing I did that I had some confidence in
13) Typical drawing process?
For the ones like the jolyne above ^ I do the face sketch, color prominent features like the nose and eye shape, then I color the remaining skin, lips, eyes, teeth, then the hair and then I wing the body!! Idk if anyoneā€™s interested in a tutorial šŸ‘šŸ‘
14) Fave character to draw?
Iā€™m not a big fan of part 4 but I really love drawing Josuke!! I just love his hair sm
15) Inspiration behind one of your pieces?
Havenā€™t finished it yet but!!
16) Fav things to listen to while drawing?
LOVE documentaries!! I just really like learning about history!! So mostly war documentaries or events!
17) Nsfw? Sfw?
While I donā€™t consider this nsfw I know some people do, I love drawing the female form nude!! I just think itā€™s very pretty! Other than that I donā€™t do nsfw, like to stick to sfw
18) Something all your art has?
Some odd texture usually!! Like with my jolyne art thereā€™s the textured shirt or with my sketches I use a rough scratchy brush!!
19) Most important part of creating?
The proportions! You can be amazing at coloring but if your proportions are off your piece will look horrid
20) The work which represents you most as an artist?
Donā€™t really have that but If I had to make up a meaning into a piece itā€™ll be this one. Idk it incorporates a lot of things I like, Pucci, pink, religion! :)
Thank you for looking at this thread!! It was quite fun to do!! šŸ™šŸ’“šŸ’“
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