so a lot of people have been making these threads, and I am in no way pretending this is original or new info. however, here are things you can do to support Minnesota + George Floyd right now:
call the DA (612-348-5550) using these scripts (thank you abbey for consolidating them & to these people for writing them). other contact info has been provided in each tweet.
listen to the black people in your lives. if you are nonblack, learn to have discourse on these issues without speaking over others. educate yourself, and use your privilege to uplift black voices.
Finally: do not let this be something that ends as soon as the Floyd family, and Minneapolis, are out of the news cycle. Keep track of what racial justice organizations are doing. Again: educate yourself. Speak out against injustice as much as possible.
this thread is obviously not a permanent solution and is a very, very small facet of what should be done. the fact is, we need a revolution, and we need to overthrow the police state. however, starting somewhere is better than nothing.
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