A person shouldn't be killed for jogging, whether in their neighborhood or someone else's.
No one should die because they're suspected of using a fake $20 bill.
If plainclothes police officers knock down your door in the middle of the night and your boyfriend pulls a legally registered gun to defend himself because he doesn't know it's the police, you shouldn't be shot eight times until you are dead.
Selling single cigarettes without charging tax shouldn't end with a man choked to death.
We should not kill a 12 year old boy who is hanging out in the park with a gun that shoots plastic balls.
A nutrition supervisor who is driving home from the grocery store with his girlfriend and her four-year-old daughter shouldn't be killed, even if he looks like a suspect in some other case, and even if he says he has a legally registered firearm in the car.
If you're on public transportation and get in a fight, and someone calls the police, you shouldn't be struck in the head and kneed, and you should not have your lung punctured with a bullet when you are unarmed and facedown on the ground.
If you are in your own home, playing videos games with your nephew, and you forgot to close your front door, and a concerned neighbor calls police to check on you... you shouldn't be shot to death through your own window.
A trip to the 7-11 to get Skittles and a watermelon flavored Arizona drink shouldn't end with a 17-year-old kid dead, even if that kid was arguing with someone on the phone.
I know some people will say "hey we need more context for these events" and you are absolutely right. So here's your context: all of these people died at least in part because they were Black.

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