Riots are not directed violence, it is senseless violence that releases the heartfelt emotions of a scarred and angered community. Targeted violence is what Malcolm X and other Pan Africanist scholars referred to. The violence directed towards your oppressor is a reactionary.....
measure to the multifaceted mediums of discrimination, abuse, and negligence. Pillaging and looting showcases anger but it doesn’t give onlookers the right glasses that gives way to perspective/motives/& thoughts. If anything riots are expected of us so that the media.....
Can broadcast a general story with a headline that misconstrues the origin of the anger. The anger is towards the system so take the system into account when riots occur. It turns back around to a problem due to our hegemonic structures. People will loot a shoe store/ mall....
Before they do a grocery store. Materialism is at the helm of our fundamental hegemonic structure here in the West and it often subliminally infiltrates and stymies a forward progression to an all encompassing Afro-aboriginal revolution, not only here in the US by abroad......
In my opinion, black folks let’s consider our actions amidst the raging emotions that are clouding our judgement. It’s been time to be angry. To be conscious of the workings and provenance of capitalism, western democracy, and racial reservations, is to be in a state of rage....
However as I have learned from ancient political philosophers and war strategists, the WAR should not be fought emotionally, but rationally. Let our emotions guide us to the light, let our anger be a sanction of our right and due diligence to fix our society and ourselves at that
If there is to be violence let it be directed to the correct institutions and people otherwise we will be left with a gigantic mess ( that will probably be oversimplified by the media as large amounts of “monetary damages ) and destitute as we search for answers through anger
Let’s let our anger motivate us to get out and be active heralds of truth and not let it cloud our ability to think. To win the war we have to, as hoteps say, WAKE UP. and understand the magnitude of our power and unprecedented opportunities that are available if we band together
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